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Rehearsal in the Mirror dome

Rehearsal of Remy Charlip's performance for the opening ceremonies of the Pepsi Pavilion.

The four core artists who devised the overall ideas for the Pavilion conceived of the Mirror Dome it as a performance space in which a large variety of artists involved in art, music, dance, poetry,  performance as well as scientists and researchers would be invited to program events and performances in the Pavilion, using the light and sound systems and the optics of the Mirror dome, adding props and live performers if they wanted. A request for proposals that also described the equipment and possibilities in the Pavilion  was sent out to selected people in October 1969, and thirty American and Japanese programmers were chosen. Four artists who had worked on the design of elements of the Pavilion also created performances in the first month the Pavilion was open.

Remy Charlip created a performance for the opening of the Pavilion, in which the women who were the “guides” for visitors performed simple activities using  large colored cloths and large helium filled balloons that created real images as they moved these cloths and balloons up and down in the space. David Tudor composed and performed works – Pepsibird, Anima Pepsi, and Pepscillator --  that were recorded by Sony sound technicians on their new four-track equipment.  Lowell Cross performed sound works at the Control Console, as did Tony Martin who explored the potential of the light system he had designed. Invited programmer, Harry Harper,  used some of the first recordings of humpback whales singing made by his colleague Roger Payne to create an immersive sound environment in the Mirror Dome. Japanese performance artist, Takumi Hijikata's work involved Japanese legends and dramas including funeral music and wedding costumes. Rikuro Miyai created a two-part program called Shadows Left on the Moon, and Pauline Oliveros composed music especially for the Pavilion. Pep-Psi was a recording of mantras by two Chinese girls singing and playing a cello and accordion. One month after the opening Pepsi executives cancelled the programming agreement with  E.A.T.

E.A.T. later published all the proposals for Live Programming in the book Pavilion.


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